The “five whys” method was initially developed by Sakichi Toyoda and used as a critical component in solving technical issues.
“the basis of Toyota’s scientific approach by repeating why five times the nature of the problem as well as its solution becomes clear.”
Taiichi Ohno, Toyota
Issue: the car stopped and does not start anymore.
- Why? Because the engine does not start.
- Why? Because it gets no gas.
- Why? The filter is full of garbage.
- Why? It was not replaced at the right time.
- Why? Because the owner of the car did not respect the service schedule.
As you see, the deeper you get into the issue, the more you get into the root of the problem. This is valid for technical issues of the cars and for the human mind as well.
Let’s say I am nervous more than calm and this decreases the quality of my life.
- Why? Because I come like this from work.
- Why? Because I do not have time for myself.
- Why? I often do overtime in the office.
- Why? Because it pays 25% more and I need this.
- Why? For the better quality of life.
As you see, I do things lowering the quality of my life even if I want completely the opposite. Maybe I should rethink this decision?
Ask yourself the 5 whys every single time when you feel stressed, nervous or anxious.